It's official! The ArtPrize connections period for venues and artists is now closed. Cathedral Square is excited to unveil our 2014 Artist Lineup. Each artist conveys a pattern of rhythm within their work.
40 artists total.
26 2-D entries.
9 3-D entries.
3 Installation entries.
2 Time-Based entries.
And now...for the BIG reveal! (alphabetized by last name):
Valerie Allen, Ruins March Forward, 2014, acrylic, 48 x 72 inches
Elizabeth Brandt, Random Thoughts, 2013, fiber, 0.25 x 127 x 79 inches
Sheryl Budnick, Night Sea, 2014, oil on canvas, 144 x 38 inches
Lauren Cummings, In the Hour of Play, 2014, monotypes, 18 x 24 inches
ArtPrize Profile:
Lauren Cummings, In the Hour of Play, 2014, monotypes, 18 x 24 inches
ArtPrize Profile:
Catherine Diedrich, The Pond, 2014, mosiac, 60 x 36 inches
Julie Friedman, A Greenhouse for Life, 2014, tyvek and pipe, 144 x 60 x 108 inches
Alexis Johnson, A Neighborhood, 2014, oil on wood panel, pieces at 24 x 32 inches each
Colleen Kole, Rooflines #15, 2014, fiber quilt, 1 x 67 x 65 inches
Marjory Koster, Forgive, 2014, mixed media drawing, 48 x 48 inches
Fr. Joachim Lally, The Dance of the Sun and the Moon, 2014, mixed media painting
Margaret Miller, Horizon Rhythm, 2013-2014, monotype prints,
Zach Mory, 25 Circles and Diamonds, 2014, graphite on paper series, 21 x 21 inches each
Ron and Miriam Pederson, VANE, 2013, painted and welded steel collaboration, 36 x 96 x 84 in.
Thomas Roeser, Ecuador, 2014, oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches
Blair Reickmann, The Shortest Route, 2014, steel, 8 x 49 x 40 inches
Dennis Rybicki, Voices of the City, 2014, time-based interfaith choir performance
Jessica Z Schafer, Cinephile: Trio, 2014, digital photography, 1 x 36 x 11 inches
Renee Therriault, Tempest Rose, 2013, welded metal, 25 x 25 x 5 inches
James Wilson, Believable Possibilities, 2014, oil on linen, 72 x 48 inches
Yetzke, Kenagy & Kreindler, When the Days Become a Moment, 2014, performance art
Visit our Facebook page to see specific bio's of some new and returning artists! "Like" ArtPrize at Cathedral Square and stay up-to-date with everything happening at our showcase venue!
Can't wait to see it!